3 Steps to Create a Coach Profile That Converts: Your Key to Success

In this post, we’ll share three simple steps for crafting a coach profile that converts.

STEP 1. Identify Your Niche

Begin by envisioning your ideal client and address these two questions:

  • What is their most significant challenge?
  • How would they search for a coach to assist with this challenge?

Jot down your answers. Remember, not everyone is familiar with coaching jargon, so using simple language is advised.

STEP 2. Help Users to Find You

Armed with a clear understanding of your target audience, incorporate the search terms you identified earlier into your profile. Here’s how:

  • Navigate to your Truly profile.
  • Fill in your areas of expertise with the search terms you identified before.

This ensures that people seeking your specific services will find your profile on Truly.

STEP 3. Help Your Viewers to Convert

Drawing the right audience to your profile is just the beginning; now, you must convert them into followers and clients. A captivating profile picture and an engaging bio lay the foundation, but additional incentives are necessary to persuade clients to invest time in you.

  • Share Videos: Profiles without videos often experience reduced success, making this a critical step for those starting their coaching journey. Videos provide potential clients with a valuable opportunity to understand your personality and coaching style. Be genuine and authentic in your videos to attract clients who resonate with your approach.

  • Set Your Price: You have the flexibility to set your price as high or low as you prefer. Offering consultations at $0, especially when starting out, allows users to consult with you for free. We suggest providing free consultations until you accumulate a solid base of positive reviews, which will help build credibility and trust with future clients.

  • Build Followers and Reviews: Followers and reviews signal a robust reputation. You can invite prospective clients to consult with you for free, and they can rate each consultation at the end of the process.

  • Promote Your Link: Share your profile link on social media or with friends. Solicit feedback on your profile and encourage them to consult with you.

By implementing these tips, you’ll optimize your coaching experience and set yourself up for success. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Happy coaching!

4 thoughts on “3 Steps to Create a Coach Profile That Converts: Your Key to Success”

  1. Hi Truly

    I have 2 questions:
    As a Danish coach I wonder how I can benefit joining Truly, can you please enlighten me?
    Do you expect the coachees to be private or corporate? This has a great influence on my fee.

    Kind regards
    Birgitte Elsner

    • Dear Birgitte Elsner,

      Thank you for your interest in Truly and for reaching out with your questions. We appreciate your consideration in joining our platform.

      Benefits of Joining Truly as a Coach: Truly provides a unique platform for coaches like you to expand your client base, not just locally, but internationally. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with individuals who are seeking guidance and coaching in various areas. This is an excellent way to leverage your expertise and skills to make a difference in people’s lives while increasing your income. Our platform handles the technical aspects like scheduling and payments, allowing you to focus solely on coaching.

      Regarding Coachees: Truly aims to cater to a broad audience, both private individuals and corporate clients. The diversity of our platform allows coaches to offer their services to a wide range of clients. For private individuals, you might be helping someone develop a new skill or navigate a career transition. For corporate clients, you could offer services like team training, leadership development, or organizational change management.

      We understand that the type of client can influence your fee. Our platform allows flexibility in pricing, enabling you to set different rates for private individuals and corporate clients, or based on the type of coaching you are offering.

      We hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further queries or if there’s anything else we can assist you with.

      Best Regards,
      Truly Coaches App

  2. Me encanta !!
    Estoy dispuesta a ser la COACH que convierta y estar siempre en CLAVE DE ÉXITO !!
    Muy agradecida por estar siempre presente!
    Me preparo para lo mejor, estoy aprendiendo inglés y estaré en cada momento que esta misión me necesite.
    Abrazo con cariño. HOTY


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